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Sunday School Classes
One of the most exciting ministries at Harvest Baptist Church is the Sunday school ministry. Over 15 small group Bible study classes are held for all ages. From nursery up to the senior citizens we have classes ministering to the special needs of each age group. Sunday School starts at 9:45am before the morning worship service. It is a place and time where relationships can be built and the truth can be taught. Below are all the Sunday School classes to choose from!

Children's Classes
Classes for children of all ages
HBC Basement
3yr-6th Grade

Cornerstone Class
Jason and Rory Dover
Class for college and career age/singles
Room 7

Life Navigators Class
Class for older married couples and senior citizens
Main Auditorium
35 and older

Splash Youth Group
David and Evelyn Sosa
Class for teenagers
Room 1&11
7th-12th Grade

Master Builders Class
Marvin and Alice Smith
Class for Young Married Couples
Room 8&9
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