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Harvestime Productions
Online Bookstore
It's All in the Head
Revised 2021
Pastor Marvin Smith III
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Product Details
As we grow in technology in our nation, images are being placed everywhere. Billboards are becoming more and more graphic, television shows are becoming more obscene, internet is putting more images into people’s mins like never before. The mind is the battlefield between God and Satan. Strongholds are built up in the mind, images are stored up in the mind, knowlege is kept in the mind, and thoughts are thought up in the mind. So the question is,”What do we do with all of these images and how do we destroy these strongholds in our lives?”
Through the wisdom of God and understanding of our position in Christ, Pastor Marvin Smith opens up the Word of God and teaches how to deal with these four areas of our lives.
Sessions Included:
•Overcoming Strongholds
•Casting Down Imaginations
•Knowledge and Thoughts
•Maintaining Freedom
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It's All in the Head
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